pictorial works

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pictorial works

The cuckoo

the uninvited guest
Cover image of The cuckoo

A meerkat diary

my journey into the wild world of a meerkat mob
"Join the author of Moto and Me and My Leopard Diary as she spends two wild and action-packed weeks observing and photographing a mob of meerkats. Suzi's diary opens with her arrival on the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, where she and her zoologist assistant, Becky, are welcomed by Motto, a local meerkat habituator, and Villa, a naturalist guide. Over the next action-packed two weeks, Suzi and the team observe a small but mightily busy meerkat mob. Her daily accounts describe the early life of the five meerkat pups being raised by the mob's matriarch and two adult males. The pups grow from tiny creatures who wobble as they walk and are wholly dependent on their adult caretakers, to adolescents who practice killing scorpions for their dinner and have nearly perfected the famous tripod stance meerkats use when on lookout for danger. Along the way, the mob survives a heavy rainfall that floods the plains where they live, as well as manage to avoid becoming the dinner of a hungry eagle hunting them from overhead. They even escape being trampled by a galloping herd of zebras - which Suzi and Becky also just escape thanks to Motto and Villa's quick thinking. In addition to her observations about the mob, Suzi's narration seamlessly weaves in information about life in the heart of the Kalahari Desert - from the other wild animals that are native to the area (including a brown hyena mother and cub, an eagle, jackals, a porcupine, and lions) to an afternoon spent with some of the indigenous Ju/'hoasi people who have thrived there for tens of thousands of years. Endmatter includes a Q&A with both Motto and Villa, who play such essential roles in this adventure. Jam-packed with amazing and often adorable photos"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of A meerkat diary


". . . combines science and art to show how the world becomes transformed by shapes and colors that depict planets and stars, continents and islands, rivers and lakes, and volcanoes and hurricanes"--BTCat.
Cover image of Geo~graphics


the definitive visual history
Traces the 5,000-year story of warfare from the earliest battles to the occupation of Iraq, covering campaigns and causes, warriors and commanders, tactics, weapons, technology, and more.

Chineasy everyday

learning Chinese through its culture
" ... teaches more than four hundred ... useful Chinese characters, phrases, and sentences. Organized into eleven themes that reflect daily life..."--Back cover.

The spirit of BMW

50 reasons why we love them
"[Fifty] vintage photographs of classic BMW models teamed with . . . text that explains why people love them"--Publisher.

The complete human body

the definitive visual guide
Offers a complete overview of the development, form, function, and disorders of the human body, from muscle structure and activity to motor pathways within the brain.


the definitive visual history
"Packed with . . . photography, Train catalogues the development of trains from early steam to diesel engines and electric locomotives, explores in detail iconic trains such as the Palace on Wheels and the Orient Express, and chronicles the social, political, and cultural backdrop against which railways were built the world over. Profiling the best loved railways and rail journeys of all time - from the Union-Pacific Railroad to the Trans-Siberian Railway - and the pioneers of train and track - from 'Father of the Railways' George Stephenson to engineering legend Isambard Kingdom Brunel and M?tro-maestro Fulgence Bienven?e"-- Provided by publisher.

The NASA archives

from Project Mercury, to the Mars Rovers : 60 years in space
"To Infinity and Beyond. Journey through the U.S. space program's fascinating pictorial history. On October 1, 1958, the world's first civilian space agency opened for business as an emergency response to the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik a year earlier. Within a decade, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, universally known as NASA, had evolved from modest research teams experimenting with small converted rockets into one of the greatest technological and managerial enterprises ever known, capable of sending men to the moon"--.

Hot Springs National Park

Presents vintage photographs, with explanatory captions, examining the history of Hot Springs National Park.


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