Barrett, Judi

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Benjamin's 365 birthdays

Benjamin figures out how to have a birthday every day of the year.

I'm too small, you're too big

Text and pictures contrast the size differences between Daddy and son and point out that though being small is frustrating, it has some advantages.

What's left?

Answers such questions as "What's left after you finish crying?" and "What's left after it rains?".

Animals should definitely not wear clothing

Pictures of animals wearing clothes show why this would be a ridiculous custom for them to adopt.

I knew two who said moo

a counting and rhyming book
Rhyming lines feature the numbers from one to ten.

Animals should definitely not act like people

Depicts the inconveniences animals would be burdened with if they behaved like people.

Peter's pocket

When Peter's mother makes portable pockets that can be pinned on to any of his clothes, he is able to carry around all his important things.

Santa from Cincinnati

A baby in Cincinnati whose first words are "ho ho ho" grows up to become Santa Claus.

A snake is totally tail

Words and pictures show essential characteristics of a number of animals, such as "a porcupine is piles of prickles" and "a crab is conspicuously claws.".

The marshmallow incident

The left-handed residents of the town of Left and the right-handed residents of the town of Right become friends after a marshmallow-throwing incident instigated by the knights of the Ambidextrous Order who guard the dotted yellow line that separates the two towns.


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