Turning points

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The industrial revolution

"When people talk about the Industrial Revolution, they tend to point to the positives. Electric lighting, washing machines, cars--the list of things that have improved people's lives around the world is seemingly endless. However, the negative effects of this historical turning point, such as climate change and oil depletion, are frequently glossed over. Through detailed maps and . . . sidebars, this volume examines the lasting worldwide impact, both positive and negative, of the Industrial Revolution. This allows readers to think critically about changes that may be implemented in the future"--Provided by publisher.

The 9

"A historical account of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, including the events leading up to that day, the people involved, the monumental rescue and recovery efforts, and the lingering aftermath"--Provided by publisher.

Slavery in the New World

"Slavery is not a modern concept. Ancient civilizations such as Greece and Rome had systems of slavery, and many countries within Africa enslaved the members of rival tribes after they lost battles. However, Europeans greatly expanded and entrenched the slave trade. Through primary sources and annotated quotes, readers experience the horrors of slavery from the perspective of those it affected. A detailed timeline and discussion questions add to this essential reading experience that illustrates the lasting global effects of the trans-Atlantic slave trade"--Provided by publisher.

The Black Death

"As the COVID-19 pandemic has swept around the globe, people have looked to the past for other examples of deadly disease outbreaks. In the mid-14th century, an outbreak of bubonic plague, or the 'Black Death,' killed more than 25 million Europeans within a five-year span. Through . . . maps, critical-thinking questions, and . . . sidebars, readers learn the similarities and the vast differences between the Black Death, the 2020 pandemic, and other disease outbreaks in history"--Provided by publisher.

The Salem witch trials

"In the late 17th century, the Salem Witch Trials led to the executions of 20 innocent people. Many explanations have been given for this tragedy, but there is no single reason it occurred. Instead, multiple factors converged to create a vortex of fear, suspicion, anger, and political tension--the perfect atmosphere to support the suspension of common sense. Readers discover . . . details about this . . . time in American history. The dangers of leveling accusations without proof and succumbing to panic are discussed in this . . . text, which is supplemented with a fact-filled timeline, annotated quotes, discussion questions, and primary sources"--Provided by publisher.

The Great Depression

"The Great Depression was a time of severe hardship, especially in the United States. With a quarter of the population out of work, families struggled to survive, obsessively saving money, food, and material to reuse or recycle. This 'Depression mentality' stuck with many people for the rest of their lives. Supplemented by historical photographs, annotated quotes, and a fact-filled timeline, the . . . text discusses the causes and lingering effects of the Great Depression. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter encourage readers to think critically about this period and how it has affected the world they live in today"--Provided by publisher.

The war in Iraq

A historical account of Operation Iraqi Freedom, including the events leading up to the 2002 conflict, the people involved, the political instability and insurgency that arose, and the lingering aftermath.

The hunt for Osama bin Laden

A historical account of the manhunt for Osama bin Laden, including the events leading up to his death in 2011, the people involved, and the ways al Qaeda and other terrorist groups have changed modern warfare.

The great recession

"A historical account of the Great Recession, including the causes of the economic downturn, the role played by the Federal Reserve and other government offices, and the lingering aftermath"--.

The end of the Cold War

"A historical account of the end of the Cold War, including the events that sparked conflict and led to peace, the competition for global ideological supremacy, and the lingering aftermath"--.


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