world records

Topical Term
world records

The top 10 of everything 2009

Contains over seven hundred top-ten lists on such subjects as the universe, humans, crime, culture, music, entertainment, food, transportation, and sports; and provides background information on the topics covered.

The Guinness book of records 1492

the world five hundred years ago
Thousands of records provide a view of life five hundred years ago.

Guinness World Records, 2008

Presents the biggests, smallests, fastests, longests, and other record setters for 2007 in such categories as the human body, human achievement, amazing feats, entertainment, technology, and sports.

Black firsts

2,000 years of extraordinary achievement
Resource guide to more than 3,000 individuals and events that were milestones in black history, with special attention given to African-American achievements in all fields.

Top 10 of everything 2005

Presents hundreds of top ten lists arranged in topical sections, covering the universe and Earth, life on Earth, the human world, town and country, culture and learning, music, stage and screen, the commercial world, transportation and tourism, and sport and leisure.

Black firsts

4,000 ground-breaking and pioneering historical events
A record of African-American achievement, featuring four thousand chronologically arranged entries that provide information about barrier-breaking pioneers in arts and entertainment, business, civil rights and protest, education, government, journalism, the military, religion, science, sports, and others.

Incredible animals

Presents record setters in the animal world, including the largest mammal, fastest animal, and most expensive pet.

The top 10 of everything 2002

Presents over one thousand "Top 10" lists covering a wide variety of topics in the categories of the universe and the Earth, plants and animals, the human world, town and country, culture and learning, music, stage and screen, commerce and industry, transportation, and sports.

The great toilet paper caper

When Spencer tries to break the world record for walking backwards, his class decides to set a new record for the longest roll of toilet paper.


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