computers and civilization

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computers and civilization

City under the city

"Bix lives with her family in a city where people rarely talk or play together, and no longer read books. Instead, they stare at small portable screens, monitored by giant eyeballs. The Eyes are here to help! With everything. But Bix would like to do things for herself. Running from an Eye, she discovers another world: the city under the city. There, she befriends a rat who leads her to a library and its treasure trove of books and knowledge. As she explores the abandoned city, she's thrilled to learn about the people who lived there, with no Eyes. But she misses her family, and decides to head home, where, just maybe, she can help defeat the intrusive Eyes--and show her people how to think for themselves and enjoy each other's company"--OCLC.

Blown to bits

your life, liberty, and happiness after the digital explosion
Explores how the latest technological advances have challenged long-held assumptions about privacy, identity, free expression, and personal control, leading to new challenges for people living in the digital age.

Artificial intelligence

101 things you must know today about our future
Provides an introduction to the field of artificial intelligence (AI), and describes how AI is changing every aspect of our lives including industries, business processes, communication, the job market, and traffic. Also looks at the future of AI and answers frequently asked questions about it.
Cover image of Artificial intelligence

In our own image

savior or destroyer? : the history and future of artificial intelligence
Examines the history and future of Artificial Intelligence. Highlights the societal and ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence as mankind moves into an era where Artificial Intelligence becomes increasingly utilized.

Blown to bits

your life, liberty, and happiness after the digital explosion
Explores how the latest technological advances have challenged long-held assumptions about privacy, identity, free expression, and personal control, leading to new challenges for people living in the digital age.

Growing up digital

the rise of the net generation
Looks at how the current generation of Internet users influence various areas of society, such as commerce, marketing, entertainment, education, and culture.

High tech heretic

why computers don't belong in the classroom and other reflections by a computer contrarian
Studies how computers are taking over the world and explains why the author believes computers should not be used in schools.

The cult of information

the folklore of computers and the true art of thinking

Resisting the virtual life

the culture and politics of information


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