junk food

Topical Term
junk food

Junk food--what it is, what it does

An introduction to facts about junk food--what it is, where it is found, and how it affects the body--with suggestions for snacking more nutritionally.

Encyclopedia of junk food and fast food

Alphabetically arranged entries explore a wide range of issues related to Americans' obsession with junk food and fast food, discussing the most popular types of junk food, the negative impact these foods have on nutrition and health, the ingredients used to make them, and other related topics.

The complete junk food book

Surveys fad foods, fast foods, and snack foods, with information on the psychology of junk food, their ingredients and nutritional values and their pleasures and dangers and evaluates hundreds of fast food and snack food products.

Junk food junkies

Provides information about junk food, discussing its popularity, how it affects a person's health, how it is marketed to children and teens, and other related topics, and offers advice on how to evaluate one's diet and make healthy choices.

Fat men from space

Through his radio tooth, William learns of an invasion by spacemen who are taking all of earth's supply of junk food.

Don't eat this book

fast food and the supersizing of America
Presents a comprehensive study on the effects of fast food on American health, and examines school lunch programs, marketing strategies by fast food restaurants, the decline in physical education, and the rise in obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, especially in children.


strange tales from a fast-food culture
A collection of stories in graphic novel format about the less-than-healthy aspects of America's fast-food industry. Includes an account of author Morgan Spurlock's experiment to see how eating only from a fast-food burger chain's menu, complete with "super-sizing" his orders, for thirty straight days would affect his health.


a successful & supportive program for freeing your body from the physical and psychological effects of chemical pollutants (at home & at work), junk food additives, sugar, nicotine, drugs, alcohol, caffeine, prescription and nonprescription medications, a

Junk food, fast food, health food

what America eats and why
Explores 20th-century American eating patterns and includes a selection of recipes reflecting contemporary tastes.

Should Junk Food be Sold in Schools?

Authors present differing opinions on whether junk food should be banned in schools, whether schools should participate in fast food partnerships to raise funds, and whether budgets and policies make changing school lunches nearly impossible.


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