The lives of twelve-year-old Lou and her younger brother, Oz, change forever in 1940 when an accident involving their parents results in their being uprooted from their New York City home and moved to live with their great-grandmother in the mountains of Virginia.
The lives of twelve-year-old Lou and her younger brother, Oz, change forever in 1940 when an accident involving their parents results in their being uprooted from their New York City home and moved to live with their great-grandmother in the mountains of Virginia.
In 1940, tragedy forces Lou, her little brother Oz, and their invalid mother to move to the mountains of southwestern Virginia to live with their great-grandmother, but a courtroom battle could determine the fates of the entire family.
Lives are changed forever when a teenage couple leave the baby they cannot keep in a box on the grounds of the Blessings estate, and caretaker Skip Cuddy, aided by matriarch Lydia Blessing, decides to keep and raise the infant.
Lives are changed forever when a teenage couple leave the baby they cannot keep in a box on the grounds of the Blessings estate, and caretaker Skip Cuddy, aided by matriarch Lydia Blessing, decides to keep and raise the infant.
The lives of twelve-year-old Lou and her younger brother, Oz, change forever in 1940 when an accident involving their parents results in their being uprooted from their New York City home and moved to live with their great-grandmother in the mountains of Virginia.
The lives of twelve-year-old Lou and her younger brother, Oz, change forever in 1940 when an accident involving their parents results in their being uprooted from their New York City home and moved to live with their great-grandmother in the mountains of Virginia.
Chronicles the life of Bess Hardwick, the fifth daughter of an impoverished Derbyshire nobleman who rose from her meager beginnings to become one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in English history.