L'Engle, Madeleine

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Meet the Austins

The warm, happy life of the Austin family is disturbed by a spoiled, sullen girl who has been orphaned by the sudden death of her father.

Lines scribbled on an envelope

A wind in the door

With Meg Murry's help, the dragons her six-year-old brother saw in the vegetable garden play an important part in his struggle between life and death.

Meet the Austins

The Austins give a home to a spoiled orphan girl.

Una arruga en el tiempo

A wind in the door

With Meg Murry's help, the dragons her six-year-old brother saw in the vegetable garden play an important part in his struggle between life and death.

A wrinkle in time

Three extra-terrestrial beings take Meg and her friends to another world.

A wrinkle in time

Meg Murry and her friends become involved with unearthly strangers and a search for Meg's father, who has disappeared while engaged in secret work for the government.
Cover image of A wrinkle in time


Fifteen-year-old Camilla gains new maturity through her relationship with her best friend's brother and the growing realization that her parents are fallible individuals.
Cover image of Camilla

An acceptable time

Polly's visit to her grandparents in Connecticut becomes an extraordinary experience as she encounters old friends and mysterious strangers and finds herself traveling back in time to play a crucial role in a prehistoric confrontation.
Cover image of An acceptable time


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