Examines the Plateosaurus and other prehistoric dinosaurs that lived in the desert regions of the world including the Protoceratops, Coelophysis, and Plateosaurus and discusses how they lived and survived in the desert.
Presents an introduction to deserts, in simple text with illustrations, and includes information on what they are, its animal life, its plant life, as well as a description of different world deserts, such as the Gobi, the Sahara, and the Mojave.
Discusses through short essays and poems, ten endangered species that live in grasslands or deserts, including scientific information about each, reasons for its endangered status, and descriptions of efforts to protect it.
Prickly Pete's guide to desert facts & cactifracts
Lazaroff, David Wentworth
Looks at some of the facts and fictions about the creatures and plants that live in the desert, including the desert tortoise, gila monster, pinacate bettle, barrel cactus, and others.