income distribution

Topical Term
income distribution

The divide

American injustice in the age of the wealth gap
Discusses the widening wealth gap in the United States and how it is affecting the culture and quality of life.

Economics for the rest of us

debunking the science that makes life dismal
Argues that contemporary economic theories, particularly those concerning efficiency and wages, favor the rich over the poor, and that there are better, more just options.

The betrayal of work

how low-wage jobs fail 30 million Americans and their families

Race & economics

how much can be blamed on discrimination?
Argues that many problems African-Americans face are a result of policies, regulations, and restrictions enacted by federal, state, and local governments, and are not caused by free markets and the profit motives many people blame.

The conscience of a liberal

Examines the rise of movement conservatism in the U.S., defined by the author as a network of people and institutions that extends far beyond what is normally considered political life; contends that Republican conservatism is the result of white backlash against the civil rights movement; and argues that the drastic economic inequality that has developed in the U.S. since the 1980s is in direct correlation to political partisanship.

Globalization and the poor

exploitation or equalizer?
Presents articles which address both sides of the debate over whether the global economy harms or helps the poor.

The economic naturalist's field guide

common sense principles for troubled times
Collects essays in which Robert Frank explains a number of economic principles, such as taxes, job creation, health care, borrowing, and saving, in a straightforward, easily understandable manner.

The world economy

a millennial perspective

Rich and poor in America

a reference handbook
Examines the social classes in the United States, and describes the background and history of income distribution, and discusses race, economic inequality, minimum wage, national trends, and other related topics.


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