Provides information on careers in personal care and education that require only a high school diploma, discussing employers, working conditions, workplaces, training, and job-hunting tips for ten different jobs.
Describes caregiving careers in seven settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, and home health, provides advice for entering the broad caregiving field, and lists related organizations and further reading.
Provides an overview of the helping professions, discussing working conditions, training and skills, job outlook, and earnings, and features interviews with practicing professionals in a variety of fields in which they discuss the realities of their jobs.
Introduces the career of human services worker, providing information about educational requirements, duties, the workplace, salary, employment outlook, and possible future positions.
Text and color photos describe several community needs and wants, such as food, clean water, shelter, safety, and leadership, and explain how each is met.
A practical guide to careers in the field of public service including caseworker, military chaplain, therapist, Peace Corps recruiter, and medical assistant to the homeless.