west bank

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west bank

My brother, my land

a story from Palestine
"In 1967, Sireen Sawalha's mother, with her young children, walked back to Palestine against the traffic of exile. My Brother, My Land is the story of Sireen's family in the decades that followed and their lives in the Palestinian village of Kufr Ra'i. From Sireen's early life growing up in the shadow of the '67 War and her family's work as farmers caring for their land, to the involvement of her brother Iyad in armed resistance in the First and Second Intifada, Sami Hermez, with Sireen Sawalha, crafts a rich story of intertwining voices, mixing genres of oral history, memoir, and creative nonfiction. Through the lives of the Sawalha family, and the story of Iyad's involvement in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hermez confronts readers with the politics and complexities of armed resistance and the ethical tensions and contradictions that arise, as well as with the dispossession and suffocation of people living under occupation and their ordinary lives in such times. Whether this story leaves readers discomforted, angry, or empowered, they will certainly emerge with a deeper understanding of the Palestinian predicament"--Provided by publisher.


from resistance to regime
Discusses how the Palestinian people have resisted the political changes of their country.

They called me a lioness

a Palestinian girl's fight for freedom
"What would you do if you grew up repeatedly seeing your home raided? Your parents arrested? Your mother shot? Your uncle killed? Try, if just for a moment, to imagine this was your life. How would you want the world to react?" Ahed Tamimi's father was born in 1967, the year that the Israeli occupation of the West Bank began, and every aspect of their family's life has been touched by it. One of Ahed's earliest memories is visiting her father in prison, poking her three-year-old fingers through the fence to touch his hand. The ubiquitous security checkpoints and armed guards even found their way into her childhood fairytales and playdates. Her grandmother regaled her not with nursery rhymes, but with the sage of her family and its tragedies. Instead of cops and robbers, there was Jaysh o 'Arab, or "Army and Arabs," where children roleplayed as Israeli soldiers opposing a community of Palestinians. She recounts all of this and more in her vivid and riveting memoir, one of the first to deal directly with what life in occupation actually means for the people in it, beyond geography or policy. It brings readers into the daily life of the young woman seen as a freedom-fighting hero by some and a na?ve agitator by others. Beyond recounting her well-publicized interactions with Israeli soldiers, there is her unwavering commitment to family and her fearless command of her own voice, despite threats, intimidation, and even incarceration"--.

Kingdom of olives and ash

writers confront the occupation
"A...collection of essays by...international writers...[that reflect on]...the human cost of fifty years of Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza"--Back cover.
Cover image of Kingdom of olives and ash

Palestine speaks

narratives of life under occupation
"The occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has been one of the world's most widely reported yet least understood human rights crises for over four decades. In this oral history collection, men and women from Palestine-including a fisherman, a settlement administrator, and a marathon runner-describe in their own words how their lives have been shaped by the historic crisis"--Amazon.com.

The Ghost warriors

inside Israel's undercover war against suicide terrorism
The untold story of the Ya'mas, Israel's special forces undercover team that infiltrated Palestinian terrorist strongholds during the al-Aqsa, the Second Intifada, which began in late 2000.

Children of the stone

the power of music in a hard land
Explores the life and work of Ramzi Hussein Aburedwan, a child from a Palestinian refugee camp who defied an occupying army, got an education, mastered the playing of an instrument, and started a school to teach Palestinian children how to sing and play music, hopefully changing their lives in the process.


from resistance to government
Discusses how the Palestinian people have resisted the political changes of their country.

Strangers in the house

coming of age in occupied Palestine
The author describes his youth and maturation in the West Bank and his relationship with his political activist father, who in 1967 advocated a peaceful, two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and was murdered in 1985.

Army of roses

inside the world of Palestinian women suicide bombers
Examines the lives of women suicide bombers focusing on the female resistance movement and their self-destructive exploits.


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