"This book explores depression and how people diagnosed with the disorder manage it. It examines how depression affects daily life, work, and school, and it explains the . . . treatments available"--Google Books.
Kirsch, a researcher and clinical psychologist, for years referred patients to psychiatrists to have their depression treated with drugs before deciding to investigate for himself just how effective the drugs actually were. His research has demonstrated that what everyone knew about antidepressants was wrong. Instead of treating depression with drugs, we've been treating it with suggestion.
The author documents her struggle with depression through words and drawings. Explains the causes of what she describes as "a dark little cloud that can quickly turn into a black hole" and the help she received as she learned to cope.
Explores the controversy over antidepressants, discussing the biology and treatment of depression, the three major types of antidepressants, factors in the decision to take an antidepressant, and alternatives and complements to medication.