Presents the continued journey of Faust as he follows Mephistopheles through the mythology of ancient Greece, becoming enamored of and marrying Helen of Troy while constantly searching to fulfill his appetite for new experiences.
After making a bargain with the devil, Faust is promiseda single moment of utter contentment in exchange for his soul, and after he regains his youth Faust travels in search of all forms of earthly pleasures.
Collects the complete short fiction stories of early twentieth-century American author Dorothy Parker, including "Big Blonde," "A Telephone Call," "The Lovely Leave," and many others.
Frivilous widow Lilia Herriton sets off a tragic chain of events when she travels to Italy with the blessing of her mother-in-law, only to meet and marry a totally unsuitable Italian youth.
Presents the text of the 1947 play about Joe Keller, a manufacturer of aircraft parts during World War II who allows faulty cylinder heads to be sold to the Army and when caught, blames his employee and neighbor, destroying many lives in the process.