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Quie?n manda en los bosques?

Presents a story of a time when forests were arid lands, but with the help of wind, seeds would grow in the once sterile grounds, slowly transforming these areas into forests.
Cover image of Quie?n manda en los bosques?

So?lidos, li?quidos y gases

Explores the characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases.
Cover image of So?lidos, li?quidos y gases

Las mejores amigas del Sol

Illustrations and Spanish text describe how the Sun helps plants grow.
Cover image of Las mejores amigas del Sol

Los animales se comunican?

Describes ways in which different animals communicate. Presented in Spanish.
Cover image of Los animales se comunican?

Cua?les son los secretos de las plantas?

adaptacio?n y supervivencia
Looks at how plants have adapted to their environments to survive.
Cover image of Cua?les son los secretos de las plantas?

Construyamos una pira?mide

las ma?quinas simples
Looks at the history and science of tools.
Cover image of Construyamos una pira?mide

La rotacio?n y la traslacio?n

Minho lives in Seoul and Sam in Buenos Aires, which is the other side of Earth. When Minho wakes up in the morning, it is time for Sam to go to bed. Let us explore what makes the earth have different time zones and different seasons.
Cover image of La rotacio?n y la traslacio?n

El viaje del polen

la reproduccio?n de las plantas
Plants have many ways for propagation. For instance, flowering plants usually attract bees and butterflies. Bees and butterflies then fly from flower to flower. This helps the flowering plants to bear seeds or fruits.
Cover image of El viaje del polen

Las sen?ales del cuerpo

Explores ways in which individuals can read their body's signals to determine personal health.
Cover image of Las sen?ales del cuerpo

Tomemos en cuenta los sentidos

Illustrations and Spanish text describe how people learn about their environment by using their eyes, nose, tongue, ears, and skin.
Cover image of Tomemos en cuenta los sentidos


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