Takahashi, Kazuki

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millennium world
In ancient Egypt, Yu-Gi-Oh plays his trump cards to stop Bakura from destroying the kingdom and taking the Millennium items.


Brainwashed by Marik, Jonouchi is trying to kill Yugi, and the tournament moves to Kaiba's private airship, where Marik is hiding among the eight finalists, but Bakura may actually be the most dangerous of all.


Yugi, having made it through the theme park of death devised by Kaiba, now must enter a rematch with the revenge-minded Kaiba, pitting his skills and hand-me-down deck against the evil genius who has spent millions developing his deck.


Contains several "Shonen Jump" adventures, including a showdown between Yugi and the Egyptian mystic Shadi, which decides the life or death of Yugi's best friends.


When Seto Kaiba discovers that Yugi's granfather owns the rare "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" card, he will stop at nothing to get it. Then Shadi, the mystical Keeper of the Millennium Items, puts Yugi to the test to see who is the true King of Games.


Yugi and Kaiba fight their final duel to determine who will go on to meet the Sun Dragon Ra in battle for the ultimate victory--or defeat.
Cover image of Yu-Gi-Oh!


In the prophecied final battle between Yugi and Kaiba, the archrivals unleash the ultimate gods of collectible card games--Slifer the Sky Dragon and the God of the Obelisk--but the battle may be concluded in a different time as the force of the gods smashes through time itself.
Cover image of Yu-Gi-Oh!


Jonouchi is only one fight away from realizing his dream of facing Yugi in the finals, but in order to get there he must first defeat Marik, the evil Egyptian duelist, while trapped in a cage surrounded by molten lava.
Cover image of Yu-Gi-Oh!


Bakura and Marik end their alliance and do battle over the Millennium Rod; the four semifinalists get ready for what could be their final duel; and Janouchi has only one chance to save Mai from Marik.
Cover image of Yu-Gi-Oh!


Kaiba faces off against the mysterious eighth duelist, Ishizu Ishtar, with her powerful Egyptian God Card, but may be no match against Ishizu's Millennium Tauk, which gives her the power to see the future.
Cover image of Yu-Gi-Oh!


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