
Geographic Name


In apartheid-era South Africa, a teacher inspires the students of a poor school in Soweto to resist the repressive government policies.

Child soldiers

Sierra Leone's revolutionary united front
Draws on interviews and focus groups with child soldiers to examine how they were initiated into the civil war in Sierra Leone and the challenges they faced after the war.

A long way gone

memoirs of a boy soldier
Memoir of Ishmael Beah's life as a child soldier in Sierra Leone.
Cover image of A long way gone

Child soldiers

Sierra Leone's revolutionary united front
Draws on interviews and focus groups with child soldiers to examine how they were initiated into the civil war in Sierra Leone and the challenges they faced after the war.

Steve Biko

A biography of South African political activist Steve Biko, focusing on his unique political understanding and pyschological insight that helped set into motion the movement for change that swept South African in the second half of the twentieth century.

The last trek

a new beginning : the autobiography
An autobiography in which F. W. de Klerk, elected State President of South Africa in 1989, discusses his efforts to dismantle the system of apartheid and create a multi-racial democracy.

The Feast of the Goat

Forty-nine-year-old Urania Cabral, haunted all her life by terror and emptiness, returns to her homeland, the Dominican Republic, and finds herself reliving the bloody revolution of 1961, when brutal dictator Rafael "The Goat" Trujillo--under whom Urania's father served as secretary of state--was overthrown.

Cry freedom

Black South African human rights activist Steve Biko and white journalist Donald Woods become friends in a racially divided South Africa.

La liberaci?n de Nelson Mandela

11 de Febrero de 1990
Discusses Nelson Mandela's long fight against apartheid in South Africa, his twenty-seven years as a political prisoner, his release from prison in 1990, and his subsequent leadership role in the country.

Apartheid's last stand

Looks at the issues facing South Africa in the post-apartheid era. Explores the long road to South Africa's hard-won peace and the country's struggles to bring an end to the economic hardships and psychological pain caused by apartheid. (51 min.).


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