natural theology

Topical Term
natural theology

New Atlantis

and, The great instauration
Contains two short pieces by seventeenth-century writer Francis Bacon, including "New Atlantis," a utopian story about a mythical land called Bensalem; and "The Great Instauration," an introduction to Bacon's thought on scientific method.

Down to earth

nature's role in American history
Explains how the environment has played a key role in virtually every social, economic, and political development in America since the beginning of time.
Cover image of Down to earth

The varieties of scientific experience

a personal view of the search for God
The author shares his thoughts on the relationship between religion and science, and examines how the perception of God fits into the nature and scope of the universe.

Intelligent design vs. evolution

Contains sixteen essays that provide varying perspectives on the debate over intelligent design and evolution, discussing whether the theory of intelligent design is based on religion, science, or neither; which theory should be taught in schools; the compatibility of Christianity and Darwinism; and other topics.


remarkable evidence of God's design
Explores new scientific evidence in astronomy, the nature of the atom, and DNA, and discusses how those discoveries have created a revolutionary new world view.

By design or by chance?

Explores the debate over the origins of the universe, looking at differences between Darwin's theory of evolution and the theory of intelligent design, and includes time lines, tables, definitions, focus boxes, and resources for further study.

Living with Darwin

evolution, design, and the future of faith
Examines the many controversies surrounding Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, exploring why his theory has been the object of such vehement attack, what the most common arguments against it are, and how the current controversy has been influenced by past events.

Monkey girl

evolution, education, religion, and the battle for America's soul
Chronicles the events that occurred in Dover, Pennsylvania, after the school board decided to eliminate evolution from the curriculum and teach intelligent design, providing both sides of the argument.

Why Darwin matters

the case against intelligent design
Explains how the newest theories of creationism appeals to Americans' predisposition to look for a designer behind life's complexity, exploring the scientific evidence that shows evolution is more than a theory and discussing how it achieves the design of life through the bottom-up process of natural selection.

Intelligent design versus evolution

Contains sixteen essays that provide varying perspectives on the debate over intelligent design and evolution, discussing whether the theory of intelligent design is based on religion, science, or neither; which theory should be taught in schools; the compatibility of Christianity and Darwinism; and other topics.


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