Quinn, Susan

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Little Bear and the butterflies

After hearing that her mother liked to chase butterflies in Bluebell Meadow when she was little, Little Bear goes in search of the meadow and has a wonderful day, but at the end of it all, she gets a big surprise.

The littlest dragon

Littlest Dragon cannot keep run or fly as fast as his brothers, and cannot breathe fire, but with the help of Little Bird he tries to save his village.

The littlest dragon

This lovely book about being small and still finding a fire inside is sure to appeal to small children. And its message of friendship will resonate for anyone feeling different and alone.
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Eleanor and Hick

the love affair that shaped a First Lady
"In 1933, as her husband assumed the presidency, Eleanor Roosevelt embarked on the claustrophobic, duty-bound existence of the First Lady with dread. By that time, she had put her deep disappointment in her marriage behind her and developed an independent life--now threatened by the public role she would be forced to play. A lifeline came to her in the form of a feisty campaign reporter for the Associated Press: Lorena Hickok. Over the next thirty years, until Eleanor's death, the two women carried on an extraordinary relationship: They were, at different points, lovers, confidantes, professional advisors, and caring friends. They couldn't have been more different. Eleanor had been raised in one of the nation's most powerful political families and was introduced to society as a debutante before marrying her distant cousin, Franklin. Hick, as she was known, had grown up poor in rural South Dakota and worked as a servant girl after escaping an abusive home, eventually becoming one of the most respected reporters at the AP. Her admiration drew the buttoned-up Eleanor out of her shell, and the two fell in love. For the next thirteen years, Hick had her own room at the White House, next to the First Lady's. These fiercely compassionate women inspired each other to right the wrongs of the turbulent era in which they lived. During the Depression, Hick reported from the nation's poorest areas for the WPA, and Eleanor used these reports to lobby her husband for New Deal programs. Hick encouraged Eleanor to turn their frequent letters into her popular and long-lasting syndicated column 'My Day,' and to befriend the female journalists who became her champions. When Eleanor's tenure as First Lady ended with FDR's death, Hick urged her to continue to use her popularity for important causes--advice Eleanor took by leading the UN's postwar Human Rights Commission. At every turn, the bond between these two women was grounded in their determination to better their troubled world. Deeply researched and told with great warmth, Eleanor and Hick is a vivid portrait of love and a revealing look at how an unlikely romance influenced some of the most consequential years in American history"--Publisher description.
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Furious improvisation

how the WPA and a cast of thousands made high art out of desperate times
Recounts the history of the Federal Theatre Project of the 1930s which was initiated by the government to help get unemployed people back to work. Describes the productions that were created by many notable figures including Orson Welles, John Houseman, and Sinclair Lewis. Also discusses the demise of the Federal Theatre Project at the hands of Martin Dies and his House Un-American Activities Committee.

Marie Curie

a life
Biography of Marie Curie, the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize and one of the discovers of radium and polonium. The author sheds light on the tragic losses and patriotic passion that infused her early years in Poland, as well as, the intimacy and joy of her marriage to Pierre Curie and the depth of her despair at his premature death.

Furious improvisation

how the WPA and a cast of thousands made high art out of desperate times
Examines the history the Federal Theatre project, which supported works from Orson Wells, John Houseman, and Sinclair Lewis in the 1930s; and also discusses the impact of the American anti-communist Martin Dies and the founding of the Un-American Activities Committee.
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