Codda, Marcela

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El abec? visual de los animales dom?sticos y de granja

Presents an introduction to and information about pets and farm animals.
Cover image of El abec? visual de los animales dom?sticos y de granja

El abec? visual de viajeros y exploradores

Presents an introduction to different voyages and explorations, including exploring space, the seas and oceans and discusses some of the explorers who made the journeys.
Cover image of El abec? visual de viajeros y exploradores

El abec? visual de los medios de transporte

Presents an introduction to different types of transportaion, including airplanes, automobiles and more.
Cover image of El abec? visual de los medios de transporte

El abece? visual de la historia

Presents an introduction to some of the main events of the world, including the first civilizations, the crusades and more.
Cover image of El abece? visual de la historia
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