intellectual life

Topical Term
intellectual life

Time 100 ideas that changed the world

history's greatest breakthroughs, inventions and theories
Describes the one hundred greatest discoveries, inventions, and concepts created by humankind, from the creation of the spirit world in prehistoric cave paintings to the development of the World Wide Web.

The 100 most influential books ever written

the history of thought from ancient times to today
Arranged chronologically, this book discusses one hundred books that have shaped our political, economic, and social lives - for better or worse.

The Britannica guide to theories and ideas that changed the modern world

Discusses the people, movements, and events behind the theories and ideas that changed the modern world, covering topics in the biological sciences, mathematics and the physical sciences, the arts, the social sciences, philosophy, religion, and politics and the law.

The glass bead game

(Magister Ludi)
Set in the distant future, the story of Joseph Knecht is told through the eyes of an adoring biographer who cannot fully comprehend the genius of his hero.


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