obama, barack

obama, barack

Letters to President Obama

Americans share their hopes and dreams with the first African-American president
Contains hundreds of letters from Americans of all walks of life and every race, gender, and age, to Barack Obama on his becoming President of the United States.

The Obama view

the historic fight for the 2008 democratic presidential nomination
Chronicles the 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama and includes information on related people and topics.

The butler

a witness to history
Explores the life of Eugene Allen, a butler who served no fewer than eight presidents, from Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan, and after experiencing segregation lived to see the first African American president elected.

The Obamas

portrait of America's new first family
Photographs and essays describe Barack Obama's path to the presidency, and includes transcripts for his inaugural address and speeches "A new Birth of Freedom," "A More Perfect Union," "This is Our Moment," and others.

Between Barack and a hard place

racism and white denial in the age of Obama
Explores the increasingly complex role race plays on the political and social landscape of the United States.

The Obamas in the White House

reflections on family, faith & leadership
Contains color photographs of U.S. President Barack Obama, his wife Michelle, and their daughters, drawn from throughout their first year in the White House, and includes quotations, as well as the texts of two speeches.

Celebrating the inauguration of Barack Obama in pictures

Photographs illustrate the inauguration of President Barack Obama from the whistle stop train tour to the inaugural balls.

Our enduring spirit

President Barack Obama's first words to America
A picture book interpretation of President Barack Obama's inaugural address on January 20, 2009. Includes the complete text of the speech, as well as a brief biography of Obama.

Barack Obama

the story of our 44th president
Follows the events, people, and places who influenced President Barack Obama's life from his childhood in Hawaii to the Presidency of the United States.

I Am Barack Obama

Rhyming text and color illustrations, inspired by the life of President Barack Obama, encourage children to hope and dream.


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