advanced placement programs (education)

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advanced placement programs (education)

AP physics 1 and 2

A guide to taking the Advanced Placement exam in physics 1 and 2, featuring six practice tests, including two diagnostic tests, and review topics.

Barron's AP English language and composition

Presents review lessons on English language and composition topics, includes five practice AP English tests as well as advice on test preparation and strategies to stay focused during tests.

AP psychology, 2016

A study guide for the AP Psychology examination. Presents a five-step study plan that can be tailored to different types of study styles. Includes a diagnostic/master exam and a comprehensive review.

AP English literature, 2016

Provides a study plan to build knowledge and confidence, discusses study skills and strategies, provides two practice tests, and includes a review of the core concepts covered by the material.

AP English language and composition, 2016

Provides a guide to studying for the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Exam. Discusses the different types of questions to expect, describes strategies for completing questions you don't understand, and provides three full-length practice exams to complete with explained answers.

AP chemistry, 2016

Provides tips and strategies to prepare for the Advanced Placement Chemistry exam, detailing a five-step study plan, and providing a diagnostic test, two practice exams, twenty-two experiments, and reviews on basic concepts, stoichiometry, gases, thermodynamics, spectroscopy, bonding, colligative properties, kinetics, electrochemistry, organic chemistry, and more.

AP biology, 2016

Provides tips and strategies to prepare for the Advanced Placement Biology exam, detailing a five-step study plan, and providing a diagnostic test, thirteen laboratory experiments, two practice exams, and reviews on chemistry, cells, respiration, photosynthesis, heredity, evolution, taxonomy, plants, human reproduction, ecology, and more. Includes CD-ROM with three additional tests.

AP U.S. government & politics, 2016

Presents study tools for the Advanced Placement U.S. Government and Politics exam in a five-step plan, providing a diagnostic exam, subject reviews and exercises, tips and strategies, and sample tests with explained answers. Includes CD-ROM with three practice tests.


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