World of art

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Black art

a cultural history
A thematic survey of black art, tracing the changing visual representations of black culture throughout the twentieth century, looking at specific works of art, and analyzing their significance. Includes biographical notes on featured artists.

African art

Presents art of the Yoruba, Bantu, and other African peoples, illustrating the impact of their works on the development of twentieth-century Western art.

The Thames & Hudson dictionary of design since 1900

A comprehensive guide to modern design that examines the work of important designers around the world and the changes that have influenced design and its uses over the last century.

Modern sculpture

a concise history
Traces the development of modern sculpture from Rodin to the post-World War II era, discussing the different styles that have characterized the period, including eclecticism, cubism, constructivism, and others; and examines the work of artists within and outside of the various movements.

American architecture

Examines the architecture of America from the seventeenth to the twenty-first century, using text, illustrations, pictures, and floor plans to describe houses from the colonies, to the American Renaissance, to the 1920s, to the postwar society.

David Hockney

Examines the work of artist David Hockney, discussing his paintings, sketches, photocollages, stage designs, fax drawings, and other projects.

Contemporary African art

Examines some of the major issues surrounding the history of contemporary African art since the 1950s, discussing patronage and other forms of mediation, formal training versus the dynamics of the workshop, the development of new genres, and other topics.

Come look with me

Asian art
Twelve images from South, East, and Southeast Asia trace the development of artistic traditions throughout history, exploring how Asian art combines painting, poetry, and calligraphy to explore social codes, values, and religious themes.

African art

an introduction
Presents art of the Yoruba, Bantu and other African peoples illustrating the impact of their works on the development of twentieth-century Western art.


from antiquity to the present
Surveys the history of Western jewelry, discussing changing styles, the social context of jewelry, and how it has been worn by men and women, looking at reactions to discoveries of new gems and metals, and including illustrations.


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