Simons, Rae

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Caring for cats

A look at the care of cats, covering different species, food, grooming, and more.

Caring for dogs

A look at the care of dogs, covering food, exercise, grooming, and more.
Cover image of Caring for dogs

Bigger isn't always better

choosing your portions
Explores the contributions of increasingly larger portion sizes to the problem of obesity in America.

Sports math

Explores the math concepts that are used in sports, and includes exercises in each area with answers.

Fashion math

Discusses how math is used in the fashion world.

Business math

Explores the math concepts that are used in business, and includes exercises in each area with answers.

Teen parents

Discusses the struggles and complications that teen parents have to deal with, and highlights the many joys they experience along the way.

Healthy skin

Provides information on skin care and hygiene.

At home in your body

care for the shape you're in
An exploration of self-care and self-confidence that discusses media messages, the idea of beauty, weight issues, nutrition, ways to live a healthy lifestyle, and other related topics.

I eat when I'm sad

food and feelings
An exploration of the connection between emotions and eating that discusses problems associated with compulsive eating, healthy ways to cope with feelings, and the importance of diet and exercise.


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