Describes the astonishing voyage of Lemuel Gulliver to surreal kingdoms inhabited by miniature people and giants, quack philosophers and scientists, horses endowed with reason, and men who behave like beasts.
Compilation of twelve short stories by the author written between 1590 and 1612, including the story of a gypsy girl named Preciosa in "La gitanilla" and the story of a boy who drinks a potion which renders him to think he's made of glass, in "El licenciado Vidriera.".
A king becomes suspicious of his son on the eve of revolution, and sets out to uncover the truth about the prince's role in the upcoming war. Presented in Spanish.
Presents Fernando de Rojas's fifteenth-century play about Calisto, a man who falls helplessly in love with the beautiful Melibea and finds himself taken advantage of by an untrustworthy prostitute. Presented in Spanish.