south africa

Geographic Name
south africa

Let's look at South Africa

Simple text and illustrations introduce young readers to the people, places and traditions of South Africa.
Cover image of Let's look at South Africa


Ang's friend is accused of murder and the poor is being infected by a mysterious and fatal illness and it is up to Ang to protect her family and solve a murder before it is too late.
Cover image of Guardian

South Africa

An introduction to South Africa, discussing the land, government, people, cultures and more.
Cover image of South Africa

Living in -- South Africa

Introduces the people, places, and history of South Africa.
Cover image of Living in -- South Africa

South Africa

An introduction to South Africa, covering its history, government, people, lifestyle, and more.
Cover image of South Africa

Kaleidoscope song

In Khayelitsha, South Africa, Neo's passion for music leads her to her first love--Tale, the female lead singer of a local band--and an internship at the local radio station, and both experiences teach Neo about the risks and rewards of using her own voice to empower others.
Cover image of Kaleidoscope song

Nelson Mandela

Journey to Freedom
Born into African royalty, he became an international hero for his sacrifices in the fight against apartheid. After decades in jail, he emerged as the leader of his reborn nation. Journey to freedom alongside one of the most compelling figures of the 20th century. Learn the remarkable story of his life, from his idyllic childhood through his years of imprisonment to his triumphant election as president of South Africa.

Cry the Beloved Country

In a land torn by hatred and injustice, James Earl Jones and Richard Harris are two fathers -- one a man of peace, the other a man of power and privilege -- whose lives seem destined for a violent collision. But instead, in the wake of a tragic killing, these extraordinary men form an unlikely union...and together find the kind of understanding that could heal a nation!.

South Africa

Learn about the cultural traditions, history, climate and politics of South Africa. Drive through Kruger National Park and catch a glimpse of exotic wildlife. Also visit the natural history museum, aquarium, and District Six Museum in Cape Town. Learn about the country's struggle to overcome apartheid.

Qui?n fue Nelson Mandela?

A biography of Nelson Mandela, South African anti-apartheid activist, political prisoner, and president.
Cover image of Qui?n fue Nelson Mandela?


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