handbooks, manuals, etc

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handbooks, manuals, etc

Firefly's world of facts

An anthology of lists, rankings, facts, and juxtapositions which provides information on a variety of topics, including the natural world, cultures, technology, literature, art, music, and others. Includes illustrations, charts, maps, and photographs.

The uncyclopedia

A reference guide to a variety of trivial, non-essential facts, with information on favorite past times, vice presidents, letters, riddles, and more.

The book of lists for teens

Contains more than 250 lists for teens which offer advice on various subjects and information on popular topics.

The complete handbook of science fair projects

Explains how to produce a successful science fair project, covering each step from topic choice to presentation, and provides ISEF rules and guidelines, state and regional science fair listings, a list of five hundred project topics for seventh grade and up, and instructions for fifty actual award-winning projects.

Pick me up

[stuff you need to know--]
A reference book for modern kids and teens that presents fun information about history, science, nature, geography, and culture.

The complete handbook of science fair projects

Discusses various aspects of science fair projects including advice on choosing a topic, doing research, developing experiments, organizing data results, and presenting a project to the judges.

The pocket dangerous book for boys

things to know
A collection of entertainments geared toward boys, containing instructions for skipping stones, coin tricks, making a quill pen and bottle rockets, and other activities.

The pocket dangerous book for boys

things to do
A collection of entertainments geared toward boys, containing instructions for skipping stones, coin tricks, making a quill pen and bottle rockets, and other activities.

The book of lists for kids

Presents more than 300 lists about everything from freckles to video games, money to amusement parks, and breakfast cereals to rock music.

Scholastic book of firsts

Presents a listing of more than one thousand famous "firsts," from the first dental filling to the first E-mail message.


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