Presents the history of Hannibal, a famous Carthaginian military commander who invaded Italy by crossing the Alps with war elephants, and won many battles against Rome over a decade before being defeated in the Battle of Zama at Carthage.
Presents a historical novel about Hannibal, the legendary military leader of Carthage and his struggle against the superior armies of Rome and traces the origins of the war and Hannibal's choice to follow a land route to Rome.
Traces the history of the Fertile Crescent, the area stretching between the Persian Gulf and central Israel, from the New Stone Age to the Roman conquest.
Explores the conquests of the Punic military commander Hannibal, and discusses how his battles led to the demise of Carthage. Includes discussion questions and suggested activities.
Examines the life of Hannibal, especially during his invasion of Rome, looking at the emotional and mental aspects which served as a driving force during his relentless attacks.