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What are calories?

"Millions of people are calorie-conscious. They measure the number of estimated calories contained in their meals primarily because they wish to lose weight or avoid gaining it. But many of these people miss the big picture, the fact that regular exercise is as important as caloric discipline. This book explains the ins and outs of calories for young children. It describes the sources of calories, daily calorie needs, the meaning of 'empty' calories, and the problems that can result if someone eats too many of them. Your readers will understand the need to balance caloric intake with exercise"--Provided by the publisher.
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What are vitamins?

"Today, dietary supplements have become a booming business and it's trendy for the food industry to use vitamins as a selling point in their products. Sometimes, consumers can lose track of the truth about vitamins among misleading and incomplete claims. This book provides accurate information, introducing young readers to the vitamins essential for their health. They will come away from the book knowing what vitamins they need, why they're vital for good nutrition, and the consequences of deficiencies or overdoses. They will understand how to wisely enhance their daily diets"--Provided by the publisher.
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What are minerals?

"Minerals are simple inorganic elements such as calcium and iron, which are essential components of a healthy diet. Minerals perform many functions, from serving as components of organs to helping regulate metabolism. Adequate mineral intake is particularly important for children's growth and development. This book explains how a range of key minerals are important to health. Young readers will learn about properties and appropriate amounts of various minerals as well as how they can be included in a nutritious, delicious diet"--Provided by the publisher.
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What are proteins?

"The human body has thousands of types of proteins, all of which play vitally important functions. While the body produces some of the amino acids it needs, the rest must be supplied through diet. This informative introduction explains what proteins are, the various tasks they enable, their diverse dietary sources, and what can result from consuming too much or too little protein. Sidebar boxes define key vocabulary words or contain questions to spur critical thinking. This book is great for both science and health collections"--Provided by the publisher.
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What are fats?

"Fatty foods are worrisome to health professionals and consumers alike, and for good reason. Obesity rates are alarming, and people of all ages struggle to control their weight. Many fail to understand, though, that fats are necessary for growth and for maintaining healthy bodies. They cushion and protect vital organs and store reserves of energy. This volume explains for young children both the positive and negative aspects of fat-containing foods. It differentiates the types of fats people consume, notes the links between fats and calories and fats and cholesterol, and addresses such issues as the dangers of dieting by fasting"--Provided by the publisher.
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What are carbohydrates?

"Carbohydrates are the body's primary energy providers. Written for young children, this book discusses the main forms of carbs, how they are created, and why they are important. It explains the differences between simple and complex carbohydrates and between monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides. It details how carbs are broken down in the digestive system into units small enough to be distributed through the bloodstream, absorbed by cells, and converted into energy. Other subjects investigated are carb 'loading,' major and minor health problems caused by carbs, and the importance of managing the consumption of different types of carbohydrates"--Provided by the publisher.
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