Erlbach, Arlene

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The kids' business book

Profiles business owners who began their businesses between the ages of seven and twelve, describes simple methods of starting a business, and includes tips on accounting and advertising.
Cover image of The kids' business book

Worth the risk

true stories about risk takers plus how you can be one, too
Discusses the value of taking risks and different kinds of risk-taking, both good and bad, and offers advice on and examples of this type of behavior and how to learn from both successes and mistakes.

Fun Valentine's Day crafts

Want to make Valentine s Day even more special? Then follow these easy step-by-step instructions, photographs, and traceable patterns to create unique crafts for Valentine's Day with materials that can be found around the house. You can make a friendship necklace, a Valentine cat, a heart ornament, and much more!.

Fun Mother's Day crafts

Let your Mom know you think she is special with these creative Mother's Day crafts! FUN MOTHER'S DAY CRAFTS includes ten easy crafts you can make for Mom. Follow simple directions and traceable patterns to make your mom a flower photo card, garden in a jar, or a unique picture frame.

Fun Thanksgiving Day crafts

Explains the origins of Thanksgiving and how to make ten holiday-related crafts.

Teddy bears

Describes the history and popularity of Teddy bears.

The best friends book

true stories about real best friends ...

The kid's invention book

Profiles eleven inventors between the ages of eight and fourteen, describes the steps involved in inventing a new product, and discusses contests, patents, lawyers, and clubs.

Everything you need to know if your family is on welfare

Provides basic information about the welfare system and dispels myths about welfare recipients.


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