Huxley, Aldous

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A 1962 novel which offers a commentary on the human condition and the possibility of the good society through the story of Will Farnaby, a British journalist who is shipwrecked on Pala, an island community inhabited by a company of exiles who are dedicated to the contemplative life.

Brave new world

A satirical novel about the Utopia of the future, when babies are decanted from bottles and the great Ford is worshipped.

The crows of Pearblossom

Mrs. Crow discovers a snake has been eating her eggs and devises a plan with Mr. Crow and his friend Owl to fool Mr. Snake and put an end to her troubles.

Brave new world

and Brave new world revisited
Bernard Marx becomes a citizen in an utopian World-State where babies are born in laboratories, there is no violence, all citizens take drugs for depression, and contentment overrides the free will of the populace, and presents the social climate in 1958, and the threats against personal freedoms that seemed to be precursers to the novel's empty civilization.

Brave new world

A satirical novel about the utopia of the future, a world in which babies are decanted from bottles and the great Ford is worshipped.


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