An adaptation of the classic novel which tells the story of Pip, an orphan in Victorian England who is informed one day that he has "great expectations" and is to be educated and reared as a gentleman.
Presents the unabridged version of Charles Dickens's novel in which Pip, an orphan in Victorian England, learns that a mysterious benefactor has ensured that he will be educated and raised as a gentleman.
Contains the complete text of the 1860 novel about Pip, an orphan in Victorian England who is plucked from a life of poverty and informed he is to be educated and reared as a gentleman.
A graphic novel adaptation of Charles Dickens's novel in which Pip, an orphan in Victorian England, learns that a mysterious benefactor has ensured that he will be educated and raised as a gentleman.
The complete and unabridged story of Pip, an orphan in Victorian England, who is informed one day he has "great expectations" and is to be educated and reared as a gentleman.