
Topical Term

Super storms

Examines superstorms and their potential destructiveness, including thunderstorms, hailstone showers, tornadoes, hurricanes, and typhoons.
Cover image of Super storms

Wild weather

Hurricanes, tsunamis, and tornadoes are just some of the wild weather events in the world that have taken many lives and destroyed cities.

You're safe with me

"When the moon rises high and the stars twinkle, it is bedtime for the baby animals of the Indian forest. But tonight, when the skies turn dark and the night grows stormy, the little ones can't sleep. Only Mama Elephant with her words of wisdom can reassure them"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of You're safe with me


Presents a discussion of hurricanes, covering how, when, and where they form, the damage they can cause, and what one can do to prepare for them.

Storm's coming!

"Did you know that flowers, insects, and birds can help predict the weather? Near her lighthouse home, Sophie reads the signs and sounds a warning: 'Storm's coming!'"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Storm's coming!

Historic storms of New England

its gales, hurricaines, tornadoes, showers with thunder and lightning, great snow storms, rains, freshets, floods, droughts, cold winters, hotsummers, avalanches, earthquakes, dark days, comets, aurora borealis, phenomena in the heavens, wrecks along the
Describes historic New England storms, including every major storm and natural disaster that occurred in the region from 1635 to 1890.
Cover image of Historic storms of New England

When floods flow

In many cases, floods are a sneaky disaster. They often take awhile to occur as rain builds up over many hours or days, or a river's volume slowly increases and overflows its banks. However, once flooding is happening, it's very hard to stop. Additionally, flash floods don't offer those living nearby much time to prepare or evacuate. Readers face the devastation that floods can cause as they learn how they occur.


Deon deals with his fear of the big storm.

People chase twisters

and other amazing facts about violent weather
Provides information about violent weather phenomena such as thunderstorms, lightning, blizzards, monsoons, and sandstorms.


"Ellie and her friend Kate get to spend time with Ellie's grandparents at their beach cottage. It's their first trip without their parents. The girls are excited and share everything on social media. But then a solar storm knocks out power to the entire state. People have to learn to live without electricity, running water, or technology"--Saddleback Educational Publishers.


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