At issue. American politics

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Negative campaigning

Includes a wide range of opinions surrounding negative campaigning.

Super PACs

Includes a wide range of opinions surrounding Super PACs.

Casualties of war

Contains seventeen essays that debate the human costs of war, discussing soldier and other casualties in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, media coverage of fallen soldiers, the care for veterans provided by the Veterans Administration and the Department of Defense, and other related topics.

Should the United States move to electronic voting?

Provides varying viewpoints on the debate over the use of electronic voting in the United States, discussing the reliability, security, accuracy, and accessibility of voting machines.

Should the voting age be lowered?

Contains sixteen articles which debate if the voting age should be lowered and discuss the implications of doing so.

Should the government fund embryonic stem cell research?

Collects twelve essays that provide varying perspectives on the debate over government funded embryonic cell research.

The American housing crisis

Collects fifteen critical essays that offer varying perspectives on issues that relate to America's subprime mortgage crisis of the twenty-first century, and discusses the effects of the housing crisis on neighborhoods, the responsibilities of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, racial discrimination, and more.

Is the U.S. ready for a minority president?

Contains fifteen essays that provide varying perspectives on the debate over whether the United States is ready for a minority president, discussing the likelihood of an African-American, female, Asian American, Mormon, or Jewish candidate being elected; the media's depiction of women candidates; and other topics.

Should the U.S. Close its Borders?

Presents an overview of the topic of terrorism and border control and features a selection of essays that debate questions related to whether the United States should close its borders.


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