Tells the story of Danny, Tex, Levin, Gomez, and other members of one squad of Marines under the command of Major Huxley, who started out as a sorry assembly of farm boys and featherweights but turned into a great fighting team during World War II.
A handful of men and women in the Warsaw ghetto, knowing they will almost certainly die, gather their meager resources to stage a revolt against the Nazis armed with only homemade weapons, bare hands, and courage.
Follows the life of Rory Larkin, who is determined to fight his way from New Zealand back to his native Ireland to help in the Irish struggle for independence in the days before World War I.
Sean O'Sullivan, an American captain responsible for the military government of the city of Rombaden, nurses a fierce hatred of the Germans and is faced with a dilemma when he falls in love with a German girl.