jewish men

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jewish men

Mendel's Hanukkah mess up

When the rabbi asks him to drive the Mitzvah Mobile through the streets of New York's Lower East Side and invite everyone to the Hanukkah Bash, Mendel, who constantly messes up, learns that mistakes can happen and sometimes that's not so bad.



The book rescuer

how a mensch from Massachusetts saved Yiddish literature for generations to come
"Over the last forty years, Aaron Lansky has jumped into dumpsters, rummaged around musty basements, and crawled through cramped attics. He did all of this in pursuit of a particular kind of treasure, and he's found plenty. Lansky's treasure was any book written in Yiddish, the language of generations of European Jews. When he started looking for Yiddish books, experts estimated there might be about 70,000 still in existence. Since then, the MacArthur Genius Grant recipient has collected close to 1.5 million books, and he's finding more every day. Told in a folkloric voice reminiscent of Patricia Polacco, this story celebrates the power of an individual to preserve history and culture, while exploring timely themes of identity and immigration"--From the publisher's web site.
Cover image of The book rescuer


Jewish brothers in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe escape into the Belarussian forests, where they join Russian resistance fighters and endeavor to build a village in order to protect themselves and about 1,000 Jewish non-combatants.


In a series of episodes covering the course of a single day, June 16, 1904, the novel traces the movements of Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus through the streets of Dublin.

Love and other games of chance

a novelty
A novel in which a Jewish-American circus and stage performer chronicles his world travels and erotic exploits.

God on trial

Following the harrowing ritual of selection for death or hard labor, a group of new inmates unsure of their appointed fates begins asking how God could allow for so much suffering. Impulsively, the men decide to put God on trial for abandoning His chosen people. Amid the outside sounds of prisoners being marched to the gas chamber, the trial unfolds. They group address the question: How can there be evil in a universe ruled by an all-powerful, benevolent God?.

In the beginning

Describes the intellectual and emotional awakening of young David Lurie from the twenties through the Depression and World War II.

White darkness

Jewelry store owner Moe Rosen is welcomed into the community of West Indian immigrants that has taken over his Brooklyn neighborhood after he saves a Haitian woman from a brutal mugging, but his involvement in the lives of his new friends eventually leads him and those he loves into grave danger.

The human stain

Coleman Silk, a New England professor forced into retirement on false charges of racism, has a fifty-year-old secret that Philip Roth attempts to decipher in this 1990s novel set against the backdrop of Presidential impeachment and professional witchhunts.


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