chelm (chelm, poland)

Geographic Name
chelm (chelm, poland)

The feather merchants & other tales of the fools of Chelm

Thirteen traditional Eastern European Jewish tales of the town of Chelm and its silly citizens.

Chanukah in Chelm

When the rabbi tells Mendel to get a table for the Chanukah menorah, Mendel makes the task more difficult than it should be.

The jar of fools

eight Hanukkah stories from Chelm
Drawing on traditional Jewish folklore, these Hanukkah stories relate the antics of the people of Chelm, thought--perhaps incorrectly--to be a town of fools.

The angel's mistake

stories of Chelm
Explains how a botched mission by two angels created the town of fools known as Chelm.

Rachel's library

The people of Chelm, anxious to dispel their reputation as a town of fools, sends a delegation to Warsaw in search of answers, but it is young Rachel who comes up with the perfect solution after seeing Warsaw's impressive library.


When the town bath house burns down, the foolish citizens of Chelm worry about the safety of the money they must collect to build a new one.

The feather merchants & other tales of the fools of Chelm

Thirteen traditional Eastern European Jewish tales of the town of Chelm and its silly citizens.

Strudel, strudel, strudel

Explains why teachers living in Chelm may not live on the top of a hill, own a trunk with wheels, nor eat apple strudel.

Chanukah in Chelm

When the rabbi tells Mendel to get a table for the Chanukah menorah, Mendel makes the task more difficult than it should be.

Malke's secret recipe

a Chanukah story
In the foolish town of Chelm, Berel the shoemaker attempts to duplicate the secret recipe of Malke's potato pancakes, but his wife's interference makes his plan go awry.
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