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Fire trucks

"There's just something exciting about seeing a brightly colored fire truck as it roars by, lights flashing and siren wailing. Many children are fascinated by these huge machines that help keep people safe and protect their homes and other buildings. In this book, students will learn about different kinds of fire trucks, from immense ladder trucks to the big pumpers that help move water to fight fires"--Publisher.

Dump trucks

". . . Highlight[s] types of dump trucks and the many important jobs they help us do. Detailed but manageable text will help young readers connect STEM principles to these massive machines, and photographs will draw them into the subject matter with real-life examples"--Provided by publisher.


"Explores the different types of backhoes and how they've helped people do jobs for many years. Full-color photographs of backhoes and workers in action help readers understand just how these extra-large machines get the job done"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Backhoes

Cherry pickers

"Cherry pickers aren't actually meant for picking cherries. These machines are aerial work platforms that help people reach high places. Cherry pickers usually can't lift very heavy loads. However, they may have other features to help people do certain jobs. These extra-large machines take the place of scaffolding, which takes a long time to set up and take down and can be dangerous. Readers will learn about the different parts of a cherry picker, what jobs cherry pickers are used for, and . . . facts about cherry pickers. Full-color photographs help readers give context to the text"--Publisher.
Cover image of Cherry pickers


"Huge machines are all around us! Bulldozers are large, powerful machines that can push large amounts of materials with their blade. They are found at many job sites, including mines and road-construction sites. This book explores the different parts of a bulldozer, including its tracks and blade, and how these extra-large machines are put to use"--Publisher.
Cover image of Bulldozers

Fire trucks

"There's just something exciting about seeing a brightly colored fire truck as it roars by, lights flashing and siren wailing. Many children are fascinated by these huge machines that help keep people safe and protect their homes and other buildings. In this book, students will learn about different kinds of fire trucks, from immense ladder trucks to the big pumpers that help move water to fight fires"--Publisher.
Cover image of Fire trucks

Garbage trucks

"Garbage trucks crush, collect, and carry waste and, without them, life could get very messy indeed! In this book, young readers will learn more about the huge trucks they probably see every week but may not know much about. Intriguing facts about these extra-large trucks will draw students in, as will full-color photographs of different kinds of garbage trucks at work. Meanwhile, information about the real-world issues the trucks help us deal with aids readers in considering these machines' importance in their lives"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Garbage trucks

Dump trucks

". . . Highlight[s] types of dump trucks and the many important jobs they help us do. Detailed but manageable text will help young readers connect STEM principles to these massive machines, and photographs will draw them into the subject matter with real-life examples"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Dump trucks
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