Kim, Carol

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Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists

"Earth is bombarded every day by objects from space. Most of the time they're harmless. But occasionally much larger objects come along that pose a real threat. If a large asteroid or comet hit Earth, it could change life as we know it. Is there a way to stop these threats before it's too late? In this nonfiction graphic novel, Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists go on a fact-finding mission to learn about Near-Earth Objects and discover methods that scientists are developing to defend our planet"--Provided by publisher.

Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists

"Earth's climate is changing. Heat waves and droughts are more common and more severe. Powerful hurricanes cause widespread damage. And polar regions are warming fast, causing even more problems around the world. Why is this happening? In this nonfiction graphic novel, Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists go on a . . . fact-filled adventure that will help young readers learn about the causes and effects of climate change and learn ways that they can make a difference"--Provided by publisher.

Dangerous floods

"What happens when floods rise higher and happen more frequently? Many areas are dealing with more floods because of climate change. Learn what causes floods and how to stay safe when floods get dangerous"--Provided by publisher.

Dangerous earthquakes

"Earthquakes happen when big plates of earth slide past one another. Powerful earthquakes can cause serious damage! Learn where earthquakes are common and how to stay safe, and hear from someone who survived an earthquake"--Provided by publisher.

King Sejong invents an alphabet

"In 15th-century Korea, King Sejong was distressed. The complicated Chinese characters used for reading and writing meant only rich, educated people could read-and that was just the way they wanted it. But King Sejong thought all Koreans should be able to read and write, so he worked in secret for years to create a new Korean alphabet. King Sejong's strong leadership and determination to bring equality to his country make his 600-year-old story as relevant as ever"--.

Shark superpowers

"Snatch! A great white leaps out of the water to catch a seal. How did it get its dinner? It used its superpowers! From a super sense of smell to super speed, a shark's body is built for one thing-hunting. Its nostrils can smell some substances 10,000 times better than people! Low light? No problem! A shark's eyes see well in dim light. A shark can even detect electricity that comes from prey. Readers will find out how these abilities and more have given sharks their place at the top of the ocean food chain"--Provided by publisher.

Pit viper

Text and color photographs look at the pit viper, one of the most feared and deadly venomous snakes, and how they they use heat sensing pits to hunt prey.

Are smartphones a threat to privacy?

"Describes the rise of cell phone privacy concerns, how these issues affect individuals and society, and how these issues are being addressed"--Provided by publisher.

Most valuable puppy

"Shawn and Kat Choi must find a way to keep an energetic Jack Russell terrier calm before he's the first, and last, Doggie daycare customer"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Most valuable puppy


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