Describes the history, physical traits, behaviors, and personality of the Yorkshire terrier dog breed. Includes fact boxes, color photographs and a diagram, a glossary, and further resources.
Describes the history, physical traits, behaviors, and personality of the Siberian husky dog breed. Includes fact boxes, color photographs and a diagram, a glossary, and further resources.
Describes the history, physical traits, behaviors, and personality of the Shih Tzu dog breed. Includes fact boxes, color photographs and a diagram, a glossary, and further resources.
Describes the history, physical traits, behaviors, and personality of the golden retriever dog breed. Includes fact boxes, color photographs and a diagram, a glossary, and further resources.
Describes the history, physical traits, behaviors, and personality of the Dalmatian dog breed. Includes fact boxes, color photographs and a diagram, a glossary, and further resources.
Highlights the history, physical characteristics, and typical behaviors of Siberian cats. Includes a glossary, resources for further information, and color photographs.
Highlights the history, physical characteristics, and typical behaviors of Scottish fold cats. Includes a glossary, resources for further information, and color photographs.
Highlights the history, physical characteristics, and typical behaviors of Oriental cats. Includes a glossary, resources for further information, and color photographs.
Describes the history, physical traits, behaviors, and personality of the Great Dane dog breed. Includes fact boxes, color photographs and a diagram, a glossary, and further resources.
Highlights the history, physical characteristics, and typical behaviors of Exotic cats. Includes a glossary, resources for further information, and color photographs.