Jack book

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Jack gets zapped!

"On rainy days, Jack loves nothing more than playing video games. But when lightning strikes and Jack finds himself trapped inside his favorite game, will he find a way out before it's game over?"--Amazon.

Jack and Santa

"When Jack finds himself on the naughty list, he worries that Santa will bring him coal. But Jack wants presents--lots of them. Will Jack be able to prove to Santa that he's not so bad after all?"--From the publisher's web site.

Jack at the zoo

"Jack, Rex, and the Lady visit the zoo. But when Jack gets hungry, he sneaks into a koala's cage to steal some snacks. In a case of mistaken identity, the Lady takes the koala home and leaves Jack stuck in the cage. How will Jack escape, and will the Lady and Rex be happier with the new Jack?"--Amazon.

Too many Jacks

"The Lady gives Jack a gift. It's a lab kit! Jack goes into the shed to experiment and doesn't come out until he's made another Jack and another Jack and another. But one Jack was already too many. Can Jack stop his naughty robot clones before they destroy the town?"--Amazon.

Jack goes west

"Jack and the Lady take the train West to visit a dude ranch. One night, there's a bank robbery next door, and Jack is pegged as the bandit. But thanks to Jack's new rope tricks, the real robber is caught, and Jack leaves the Wild West a free rabbit with a big secret"--Provided by publisher.

Jack at bat

"Jack the rabbit serves as bat boy and Rex the dog helps in left field during a baseball game between the Lady City Ladies and the Big City Brats"--Provided by publisher.

Jack blasts off!

"When the Lady is mad at Jack, she decides to send him and Rex on a one-way trip to outer space. While she enjoys some rare peace and quiet, Jack and Rex get into trouble, resulting in their exile to the dark side of the moon. After an alien chase and some snacks, Jack and Rex get blasted home to Earth. But will the Lady take naughty Jack back?"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Jack blasts off!

Hi, Jack!

"Jack, a . . .[rabbit] takes a purse--and some lipsticks--from a lady and uses them and a dog, Rex, to get into mischief"--OCLC.
Cover image of Hi, Jack!
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