Cho, Tina

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The ocean calls

a mermaid Haenyeo story
"Dayeon wants to to be just like her haenyeo grandma (a free diver off the coast of Jeju Island), but she's afraid of the water"--.

Asian American women in science

an Asian American history book for kids
"Stories of amazing Asian American women who broke barriers in science--for kids ages 8 to 12"--Provided by publisher.

Korean picture dictionary

learn 1,500 Korean words and phrases
Presents a Korean picture dictionary featuring over 1,500 words and phrases arranged according to category. Covers basic colors, shapes, numbers, foods, and animals among other subjects. Each entry has a translation, with select references included in a sentence, and each has the Hangul symbol and Romanization of the word or phrase.

Korean celebrations

festivals, holidays and traditions
"'Korean Celebrations' takes young readers through season after season of holidays and festivals and explains how some of these holidays began, why they're important and how people celebrate them. It tells of how special moments like birthdays and weddings are celebrated as well"--Dust jacket.
Cover image of Korean celebrations
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