World history

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The United States and Russia

a cold and complex history
Readers are introduced to the complex history between the United States and Russia, which, for many years, was a conflict between democracy and communism.
Cover image of The United States and Russia

Genghis Khan

creating the Mongol empire
Chronicles the life of Mongol emperor Genghis Khan, discussing his childhood in poverty, the mighty battles he fought to create his empire and more.
Cover image of Genghis Khan

The rise of ISIS

the modern age of terrorism
Full-color photographs, a detailed timeline, and excerpts from primary sources offer an in-depth look at the rise of modern terrorism, the rise of ISIS, its rise to power, and what is being done by nations around the world to stop its members from taking more lives.

World War I and the rise of global conflict

Examines the root causes of World War I, which escalated from a small political incident into a massive global crisis. Includes details on the impact of the warin its immediate aftermath and in the decades that followed.

The Inquisition

the quest for absolute religious power
Explores the political power the Catholic Church possessed in medieval Europe and the lengths it went to in order to keep and expand that influence.

The horrors of Auschwitz

Full-color photographs, a detailed timeline, and excerpts from primary sources offer an in-depth look at the Nazis rise to power, allowing readers to think critically about the warning signs of a society on the brink of crisis.

The French Revolution

the power of the people
Informative sidebars and primary sources are presented alongside the engaging main text to help illustrate the danger of allowing social and economic disparity to remain unaddressed by governing bodies.

The Black Death

bubonic plague attacks Europe
Detailed sidebars and a comprehensive timeline augment the compelling text as itexamines how the disastrous events of the plague were exacerbated by peoples ignorance of scientific facts.

Slavery through the ages

Chronicles the history of the enslavement of human beings, covering the different types of slavery from the ancient world, to the medieval era, to slavery in Europe and the United States as practiced in the nineteenth century.


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