Dawson, Juno

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You need to chill!

Sometimes people say to me: 'What happened to your brother, Bill?' That's when I look them in the eye and say: 'Hun, you need to chill.' When Bill can't be found at school one day, the imaginations of the other children run wild. Is he on holiday? Is he lost in the park? Has he been eaten by a shark?! It's up to Bill's sister to explain...

This book is gay

Offers answers to questions about homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgender people, from sex to politics, hooking up to stereotypes, coming out and more. This exploration of sexuality and what it's like to grow up LGBT also includes real stories from people across the gender and sexual spectrums.

What's the T?

Provides an introduction to the full spectrum of gender identity for teenagers and adults, and discusses how topics such as transitioning, sexuality, gender politics, healthcare, and legal issues play a role in the lives of transgender and nonbinary individuals. Profiles famous trans and nonbinary role models throughout history, and features stories from real teens about their experiences with their gender identity. Includes black-and-white illustrations, a glossary, a reading list, and additional resources.

Understanding gender

"Gender identity is not something that can be assessed based on a person's anatomy, but rather an internal sense of self. Societal norms are often an overwhelming burden for those who are attacked or pressured into fitting others' expectations of who they 'should' be rather than who they truly are. This insightful volume introduces readers to gender concepts and inspiring and impassioned accounts from LGBTQ+ activists. Through these pages readers will discover why having the freedom of true gender expression is so important"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Understanding gender
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