Normal / Newman, Magdalena M

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one kid's extraordinary journey
"Nathaniel Newman and his mother, Magda, tell the story of his growing up with Treacher Collins Syndrome, the same craniofacial syndrome as the boy from 'Wonder,' from facing sixty-seven surgeries before the age of fifteen, to making friends, moving across the country, and persevering through hardships. How they tackle extraordianry circumstances with love and resilience is a true testament to Nathaniel and Madga's extraordianry family, and to families everywhere who quietly but courageously persist"--Provided by publisher.


one kid's extraordinary journey
"Nathaniel Newman and his mother, Magda, tell the story of his growing up with Treacher Collins Syndrome, the same craniofacial syndrome as the boy from 'Wonder,' from facing sixty-seven surgeries before the age of fifteen, to making friends, moving across the country, and persevering through hardships. How they tackle extraordianry circumstances with love and resilience is a true testament to Nathaniel and Madga's extraordianry family, and to families everywhere who quietly but courageously persist"--Provided by publisher.
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