Pendergast, Tom

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Constitutional amendments

from freedom of speech to flag burning
Contains chronologically arranged entries that examine the first eight amendments to the Constitution of the United States, examining the background of each amendment, ratification facts, and related court cases; and includes a general discussion of the amendment process.

The Vietnam War

Examines the long-term global effects of the Vietnam War; and includes narrative overviews, biographical profiles, primary source documents, chronology, and annotated sources for further study.

Westward expansion

A comprehensive overview of the westward expansion period of the U.S., 1763-1890, that also contains a time line and a glossary.

The sixties in America

Collects twenty primary sources from 1960s America that provide firsthand perspectives on the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, the antiwar movement, feminism, radical groups such as the Yippies, and the power of television, and includes a time line and a glossary.

The sixties in America

Presents articles on such aspects of 1960s America as the presidencies of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, the antiwar movement, the civil rights movement, feminism, the sexual revolution, counterculture, religion, sports, and entertainment, and includes a time line and a glossary.

Bowling, beatnicks, and bell-bottoms

pop culture of 20th-century America
Recounts the enduring products, inovative trends and fun fads of the past ten decades.

Contemporary artists

Presents alphabetically arranged profiles of hundreds of artists of all media--most of whom produced their significant works after 1960--featuring biographical, bibliographical, and exhibition data; critical essays; and, when possible, statements from the artists themselves. This volume covers A-K.

World War I reference library

A reference guide to World War I, featuring an almanac that examines various elements of the conflict, with sidebars that highlight significant individuals and facts, biographies of thirty men and women who were involved in the conflict, and thirty-three full or excerpted documents from the World War I era. Includes a cumulative index.

Westward expansion reference library

Presents seventeen primary documents, such as journal entries and newspaper articles, from the westward expansion period of the U.S., 1763-1890; also contains a time line and a glossary.


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