ice age

Topical Term
ice age

Frozen earth

explaining the ice ages
Discusses the evidence for the existence of ice ages, explains what glaciers are, and presents the many explanations offered for the causes of ice ages with emphasis on the astronomical theory. Also considers the effects of future climatic changes.

Ice ages

Explores glacial action and theories about the earth's Ice Ages. Presents some of the relics of the Ice Age that have been found, including ancient art and frozen animal remains.

Ice Age mammals of North America

a guide to the big, the hairy, and the bizarre
An illustrated overview of North America's Pleistocene-epoch mammals that includes profiles of various animals and discusses the geologic lead-up to the ice ages and the possible causes of extinction. Includes a glossary, a bibliography, and a list of museums and fossil sites.

Maroo of the winter caves

Maroo, a girl of the late Ice Age, must take charge after her father is killed, and lead her little brother, mother, and aged grandmother to the safety of the winter camp before the first blizzards strike.

Children of the ice age

how a global catastrophe allowed humans to evolve
Hypothesizes that the onset of the modern Ice Age in Africa caused climatic changes that forced human predecessors, the Australopithecus, out of the trees, allowing for the development of large-brained, land-dwelling Homo sapiens.

Maroo of the winter caves

Maroo, a girl of the late Ice Age, must take charge after her father is killed, and lead her little brother, mother, and aged grandmother to the safety of the winter camp before the first blizzards strike.

An Ice Age hunter

Describes the day-to-day life of Ice Age people and discusses their weapons, methods of hunting, homes, clothing, and physical environment. Includes a glossary of terms.

Frozen earth

the once and future story of ice ages
Examines the causes and effects of ice ages throughout history, tracing the development of scientific ideas about ice ages and profiling the lives of men and women who have contributed to the understanding of why and how ice ages happen.

Ice ages

This book explains how ice ages shaped and continue to shape the planet we call home.


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