public speaking

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public speaking

A royal pain in the burp

"George and his classmates are giving reports on their family trees, and their presentations will be broadcast on the local news. George is excited, but when he discovers he's related to the king of Arfendonia--a place no one has ever heard of--he panics. What if he makes a fool of himself on live TV? And even worse, what if his burp decides to make a guest appearance? Then George will be a total royal embarrassment!"--Provided by publisher.

The first day speech

Nathan, a child born with a facial cleft, anxiously awaits the first day of school with both excitement and nervousness and he wonders if his classmates will accept him even though he looks different?.

Make your point

creating powerful presentations
Presents the tools needed to find, organize, and share information in an oral presentation, from understanding the assignment and researching the topic, to deciding how to convey the information and what visual aids to use.

Stand and deliver

how to become a masterful communicator and public speaker
Provides practical tips and guidance to help individuals become poised and professional public speakers, featuring case studies that discuss the world's renowned orators, and including advice to overcome stage fright, develop a personal style, and engage any audience within one minute.

How to give a speech

Explains the importance of public speaking in community leadership, and provides advice on choosing a cause and a speaking opportunity, research, organizing and preparing the speech, visual materials, practice, and presentation techniques.

I'm On Fire, Watch Me Burn

Secrets to captivating presentations.

Lincoln at Cooper Union

the speech that made Abraham Lincoln president
Examines Abraham Lincoln's pre-presidential address at Cooper Union, New York, in February 1860, placing the speech in the context of the times and discussing how Lincoln used the speech to continue his debates with rival Democrat Stephen A. Douglas.

There's no such thing as public speaking

make any presentation or speech as persuasive as a one-on-one conversation
Presents expert tips and techniques to help people feel comfortable while speaking in public, revealing the key to public speaking and explaining how people can use this technique to improve their skills and make successful presentations.

Can you say a few words?

how to prepare and deliver a speech for any special occasion


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