Contemporary issues series

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The post carbon reader

managing the 21st century's sustainability crises
A collection of essays that examines various issues regarding the environment and sustainable development and their relationship to one another, discussing climate, water, biodiversity, food, population, energy, transportation, waste, and more.
Cover image of The post carbon reader

Justice on trial

U.S. policy and the global environment

an overview of the issues affecting the United States initiatives to improve the global environment
Addresses United States environmental policy in relation to global concerns, pollution, trade policy and future strategies.

The Environment

preserving the future : a critical analysis of the role of the United States in improving the global environment
Examines the issue of environmental protection discussing what issues are involved, consequences, the role of alternative energy programs and the role the U.S. can play at a global level.

The ethics of abortion

pro-life vs. pro-choice

Smart by nature

schooling for sustainability
Explores how educators, parents, and students are creating a new educational movement that prepares students in kindergarten through twelfth grade for the environmental challenges they will witness in the future and describes the strategies that are being used to encourage environmentally friendly practices on campus and across the curriculum.
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